Clear Quartz is renowned worldwide for its powerful healing properties. It represents the crown chakra and strengthens your positive affirmations. Amethyst is symbolic of your third eye chakra and is well-known for inspiring creativity. It helps you smile at your reflection. Lapis Lazuli activates the throat chakra. It empowers you to reflect deeply and express your true self freely. Gray Agate represents the heart chakra and balances the emotional, physical, and intellectual parts of you, stabilizing your aura and grounding you in the present. Tiger’s Eye is a highly protective stone that enhances rational decision making and encourages willpower. It symbolizes the solar plexus chakra. Red Aventurine represents the sacral chakra. This soothing gemstone reinforces energy related to health and vitality. It promotes the strength of mind and body and can help bring balance to abnormal blood pressure. Red Agate stimulates the root chakra. It’s a crystal bodyguard that ensures your energy remains protected and grounded. It empowers you to focus on the present, even when overwhelmed with stress. Dangle these chakra-balancing crystals in your home, car, or workplace to ensure you remain happy, healthy, and refreshed.
7 chakra tassel
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